Monthly Reports

These reports are designed for use by 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Wholesale customers. If you are not an Internet Service Provider and have any queries relating to these reports, please contact your preferred ISP for advice on Broadband availability.


Reports are updated on a fortnightly basis with the exception of adhoc updates to the following reports:

  • TW_Report_91º£½ÇÂÒÂ×_Enabled_ESAs.xlsx
  • tw_report_proposed_adsl_esas.xlsx
  • tw-report-can-adsl-increases.xlsx
  • TW_Report_Backhaul_Upgrade.xlsx
  • tw_report_proposed_can_dslams.xlsx

Data is extracted for each report on the "As of" date below. Data is accurate at the time of extraction. Minor updates can occur on an ad hoc basis and the "Published date" indicates when the update has been made.


Proposed dates for 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× enablement or port relief plans are particularly subject to change due to supplier issues, infrastructure build and acceptance testing. Users are solely responsible for ensuring that any use they make of information on this site is in compliance with all laws, including the Do Not Call Register Act.


Technical Resources

See the list of products that are incompatible with 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Wholesale’s 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× product range (that is, DSL Layer 2 Internet Grade and Spectrum Sharing Services).


Incompatible products


See a list of service providers who had signed up to the DSL Transfer Process or the DSL/SSS Transfer Process as of 15 August 2016


DSL Transfer List

Report  Description
91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Enabled ESAs This is a list of internet grade 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× enabled Exchange Service Areas.

As of: 26/02/2024. Published date: 1st March 2024
Available 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Capacity – Exchanges This report is a list of 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Exchange sites with the number of available ports.

As of: 09/01/2025. Published date: 09/01/2025
Available 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Capacity – CAN This report is a list of 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× CAN sites with the number of available ports.

As of: 09/01/2025. Published date: 09/01/2025
Proposed 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Enabled Exchanges This report is a list of exchanges and sub exchanges proposed for internet grade 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× enablement. This report will be updated when there are further Exchange Service Areas to be 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Enabled.

As of: 05/03/2021. Published date: 10th March 2021
Proposed 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Enabled – CAN This report is a list of CAN sites proposed for internet grade 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× enablement. This report will be updated when there are further CAN sites to be 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Enabled.

As of: 05/03/2021. Published date: 10th March 2021
AGVC Location for 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Sites This report lists 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× enabled sites and corresponding AGVC locations.

As of: 15/05/2019. Published date: Fri, 17 May 2019
Broadband Transfer and Broadband/SSS Transfer Participants This report lists service providers that have signed up to the Broadband transfer and the Broadband/SSS transfer processes.

As of: 11/03/2015. Published date: Wed, 11 March 2015
DSLAM Backhaul Relief This report identifies when specific DSLAMs have undergone or will undergo a backhaul upgrade.

As of: 05/03/2021. Published date: 10th March 2021
Planned 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Capacity Increases - CAN This report lists planned increased in available capacity for CAN based 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× sites.

As of: 05/03/2021. Published date: 10th March 2021
Planned 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Capacity Increases - Exchanges This report lists planned increases in available port capacity for Exchange based 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× sites.

As of: 09/01/2025. Published date: 09/01/2025

List of 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Certified Equipment